Hi ya'll!!
How are all of you doing. Hard to believe that Christmas is only twelve days away.
I don't know about the rest of you, but because I am a Christian, this time of year is the most special to me. It is a time to slow down and reflect on the glourious truth that Jesus humbled himself to become human. To be born in a lowly stable, to parents that were neither rich nor influnential. This is so amazing, that He loved us enough to come down and seek and save that which is lost.
If your interested go to youtube, type in
Dr. Jeffers on the O'Reilly Facotor talking about the war on Christmas. Dr. Jeffers, has alot of gumption to speak about his veiws so honestly. I believe that's the reason that Christmas is under attack. It is because, those of us that claim to be Christians, won't speak out about the truth. We're to busy trying to hide and save face.
Keep praying for those that are willing to endure the ridicule that follows, those that are strong enough to speak out. Pray for them. If you call yourself a Christian act like one, Christ paid too big a price, for us to sit back and not speak out. Just something to think about.
Remember the true reason for Christmas.